Search Results for: chocolate cake

Krispie Pop Orders!!!

You've seen our style. You've seen our recipes. You've created our recipes. (Wait, have you?! Brings tears to our eyes. Share what you've made for a chance to be featured! or #PLSRfood) Now you can eat our recipes without even lifting a … [Read more...]

Homemade Twinkie Recipe

July 15th, 2013. I remember the day like it was yesterday. A beautiful summer day in Chicago & the day Twinkies went back on the market. (Ok, it's also my best friends birthday so that may have helped why I remember this day so clearly...) However, I've always been a fan of … [Read more...]

Simply Jules | Julia | Holiday Bark

We all have that person we can look up to, whether it's for practical advice such as to use a camera, what dessert to bake, where to shop, or more advanced, life advice such as what your next career move should be, how to lead a more positive life, or ways to be successful. That … [Read more...]