In large mixing bowl, combine all "bun" ingredients.
Preheat oven to 350. Divide batter between 9 inch cake pan & 9 inch mixing bowl.
Bake pan for 20 minutes & bowl for 35 minutes or until toothpick is inserted & comes out clean for both.
In medium mixing bowl, combine all "patty" ingredients.
Pour batter into other 9 inch cake pan & bake for 35-40 minutes or until toothpick is inserted & comes out clean.
Let cakes cool completely. Place flat "bun" cake onto cake stand & top with "patty" cake.
Divide fondant into two pieces & mix each piece with desired food coloring.
Top "patty" with fondant. Place bowl "bun" on top of fondant.
Top cake with rice krispies to mimic sesame seeds & enjoy!