In large mixing bowl, combine all cake ingredients except the cotton candy crunch. Mix until smooth.
Preheat oven to 325 F (convection oven preferred).
Grease all cake trays & fill evenly with cake batter. Sprinkle cotton candy crunch on top of each batter.
Bake cakes for 8-10 minutes or until toothpick is inserted & comes out clean.
Let cakes cool in fridge for 10 minutes.
In large mixing bowl, combine all frosting ingredients. Mix until smooth.
Remove cakes from fridge & from cake trays. Place one cake on top of the cake stand. Using the offset spatula, layer frosting on top & then place another cake on top of the frosting. Repeat until all cakes have been used.
Use remaining frosting to cover the sides & top of the cake until it is completely covered & smooth.
Sprinkle bottom of cake with cotton candy crunch. Top cake with cotton candy.