Healthy Apple Nachos Recipe

Healthy Apple Nachos With Almond Butter Drizzle And Chocolate Drizzle And Carob Chips

The second month of the year is already here & we're really trying to keep those New Year's Resolutions going strong. We'll admit, some are a bit easier to keep (i.e. our bodies no longer crave some of the processed foods we ate before now that we've gone a month without … [Read more...]

Homemade Mallomars Recipe

homemade mallomars recipe

Our s'mores obsession is very, very real & it seems it's only getting worse. Truth be told it started years ago in our childhood. There's just something about the sticky marshmallow & melty chocolate that really sticks (ha!) with ya as a kid. As we've gotten older we've … [Read more...]

Healthy Triple Chocolate Truffles Recipe

no bake chocolate truffle recipes

We know, we the heck is healthy & triple chocolate in the same recipe even possible? Get ready people because we're about to blow your mind. This healthy & yes, triple chocolate, truffle recipe is one you're going to want to print, bookmark, do whatever you … [Read more...]