NYFW Recap Day 1

NYFW day 1

   4 cancelled & 1 delayed flights later we finally made it to NYFW! While it was a total whirlwind it left us completely inspired. Day 1 consisted of a meeting at Bollare, the Cushnie et Ochs show courtesy of Papyrus, a quick but classic NYC lunch, the RtA presentation, … [Read more...]

9 Famous Foods You Can Get Delivered Straight To Your Door

Bottega Louie Cake Batter Macarons

While we'd love to travel the world & taste all of the amazing foods each city has to offer, we've got this little thing called work. Maybe you've heard of it? Luckily in this day-in-age more & more companies are realizing just how badly everyone wants to try their treats … [Read more...]

After This We’re Getting Pizza

Cute Workout Outfits

A healthy lifestyle for us is all about moderation. We'll push ourselves to head to the gym 2-3x a week because we know anything more it'll burn us out. Same goes for eating healthy, we aim for a balanced diet majority of the week but definitely indulge every now & then. One … [Read more...]